Repower your flight

 Drag becames thrust / aus Widerstand wird Schub

The Schempp-Hirth airbrakes are replaced by a series of electric impellers.
Such impellers have become common for model jet propulsion in the past 20 years.
Out of the Schempp-Hirth airbrake , a flap creating drag, becomes  a  pusher flap.

Der Strahl auf der Flügeloberseite legt sich ganz oder teilweise auf der Oberfläche an.
Das ist der sogenannte Coandaeffekt, der den Auftrieb dadurch enorm erhöht.

The jet on the top of the wing attaches completely or partially on the surface.
This is the so-called Coanda effect, which increases the lift enormously.

This is obviously a Coandajet.


As a technical name for our new propulsion concept, we suggest:



The  Coandajet-propulsion is a kind of "over the wing" OTW- propulsion and has the benefit to be retrectable.

Advantages of the retractable Coandajet-Propulsion are:

  • Adaption of propeller pitch by selection of the most convenient Pusher-flap module
  • Extra Lift for start configuration - especially in distributed propulsion configuration
  • therefor smaller wingarea for cruise
  • no need for lift augmenting flaps
  • no ground contact of the props during start and landing
  • lower and therefor more stable landing gear